How Savvy are The Savvy Couple?



The name of the blog site assigned to me is The Savvy Couple where there are plenty articles based around family and finance. The authors of the blog include Kela and Brittany Kline who are the CEOs of The Savvy Couple blog site. The purpose of their website is to teach individuals how to budget and organize their finances with tips to save as well as make money. They also have family and lifestyle content available on their site. The design of the website is very straightforward with a dropdown list that directs you to particular articles by subject such as, "Save Money, Make Money, Money Management, etc". The Savvy Couple is a professional blog site as well they have a team comprised of editors, and additional writer and a branding expert. They have also been featured on Forbes, USA Today, Huffington Post and more. Looking at this blog site it appears to be structured more like a website but it does include separate blog links that are well organized by subject and well written. The Savvy Couple has their blogs written  in a way that is clear and concise to all and a lot include numbered lists and are not so wordy that you will lose interest. This blog site includes links in the blogs that will redirect the user to another blog on their site related to that topic. I think this is so creative and a great way to gain traction on their multiple blog posts rather than just the one.

  The Savvy Couple is a blog site I would frequent to learn tips on saving and making money. Their site is easy to navigate and organized by subject rather than chronologically which is helpful  to reach exactly what I am looking for. This blog site has other uses as well not just financial tips but also lifestyle and family tips like home organization and marriage advice catering to a wide audience. The Savvy Couple includes interesting thumbnail photos to their blogs as well as interest peaking titles which is something I would take and do to my blog post because I believe this would encourage more clicks. Only problem I have come across on this blog site is their choice of photos to include. While they are attention grabbing what I noticed is none that I seen seemed to include any persons of color. This is concerning to me because this might discourage any persons of color to read because they may think the tips do not apply to them. If people of color is an audience they want to target they should include persons of color on their team and/or work on making the blog more diverse.


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