Blog Introduction

 I am Jaylynn Lowery a third year Accounting transfer student from West Palm Beach, FL. My expected graduation date is 2022 and after graduating I would like to become a certified public accountant. Due to COVID I am currently located in my hometown but doing my best to stay focused and on top of all of my classes. 


  1. Jaylynn:

    It is very obvious to me that although you submitted this assignment on time, you chose not to put much time or effort into its completion.

    The title of your blog is unimaginative and lacks creativity. It displays your lasck of interest in completing the assignment.

    Blogs should be interesting, engaging and informative. While you blog may meet the minimal requirements as detailed in the assignment, it does little else. How unfortunate for you.

    Be assured that even professional accountants must have acceptable writing skills. The blog is certainly an opportunity to hone those skills.

    SCORE: 4 out of 10


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